Message From Primary Coordinator Desk
Message From Primary Coordinator Desk

The aim of the education always has been to bring out the best in the students and make them better citizens. Team of Arsh Vidya Kendra continuously strives to impart in the students the academic excellence, creativity, discipline and above all moral and compassionate values which are a need of the time. All parents want their child to become a successful and well-known person in the society and hence with the cooperation of the parents and guardians, our teachers endeavour to structure the path of success for the students and help them attain the excellence. In the present age there is a lot of exposure for the students. The emergence of technology and advance methodologies in education has brought immense changes in our teaching strategies and thinking patterns and this has deeply affected the learner’s generation. Adding to it, along with a great responsibility of parents and teachers I, as the Senior Wing Coordinator, also would like to make the students aware of their responsibilities towards the parents, school and towards the society.
With Warm Regards
Ms. Selja Kukshal
Primary Coordinator